Interesting Facts About Pandas

interesting facts about panda

Millions of Zoo visitors are drawn in by these beautiful yet endangered animals. Although bears may seem calm, their powerful jaw muscles protect against mountain lions.

Giant pandas spend 10 to 16 hours every day feeding on bamboo, as their digestive systems work more like carnivores than herbivores, meaning that they must consume plenty of calories to get enough nutrition for survival.


Male giant pandas can reach six feet tall and weigh over 200 pounds; female pandas tend to be much smaller. Though large in stature, pandas are adept tree climbers due to their thick fur which keeps them warm against mountain temperatures.

An anatomic characteristic that distinguishes pandas is their unique, an enlarged bone in their front paw wrist that functions like a thumb to grasp bamboo stems. This feature serves as an adaptation to their diet of bamboo; other adaptations are designed to help them survive in their harsh habitat: Jaw muscles can crush and pulverize tough, woody stems; stomach walls have muscular tissues to digest it more easily; while their flat molars facilitate chewing and grinding of stems.

There are only 1,864 pandas worldwide and their numbers are increasing steadily, which is encouraging, yet that means there remains much work to do in protecting this species and its habitat. One major challenge in doing this is China’s stringent land ownership regulations which limit non-governmental organizations from playing an effective conservation role.

WWF is working to redress this imbalance through education, demonstration of conservation approaches and communications. WWF also works in partnership with Chinese authorities to establish and manage nature reserves as well as assist communities with sustainable livelihoods that protect pandas and other native wildlife species. Our efforts have already yielded results, with hopes for continued progress over time; meantime each individual panda (both captive and wild) must be looked after daily if we want our precious natural heritage not lost forever.


The giant panda is an animal of the forest. It inhabits broadleaf and coniferous forests with thick understories of bamboo at elevations up to 11,000 feet in the mountains of China, spending 10-16 hours foraging each day eating bamboo roots, stems and shoots; but also eating small animals, eggs and carrion. With their digestive systems similar to carnivores they have modified their teeth in order to grasp bamboo using elongated wrist bones that resemble thumbs; then spreading seeds via their droppings so helping bamboo and other plants flourish in nature.

Pandas are generally solitary animals except when mating. Female pandas may mate with up to two males but only one cub will likely result. Newborn cubs are blind at birth and covered with an all-white coat; at that point they weigh only several ounces and cannot stand independently. Their mother will defend and guard the infant until its milk teeth erupt 45 days postbirth – once that occurs it will start exploring its environment on its own.

Researchers have long studied pandas both in their natural habitats and zoo breeding centers. Over time, researchers have learned that pandas are shy yet curious creatures who provide excellent parental care to their young. Pandas remain among the most beloved creatures at zoos worldwide where they continue their lives much as in the wild.

Researchers are developing methods for evaluating habitat quality and mapping areas suitable for panda survival and reproduction, as well as strategies to increase connectivity of patches. Corridors that link habitats with lower human disturbance can allow species to move more freely across spaces, speeding up genetic exchange.


The Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) has become an international symbol for conservation efforts. Their iconic white-and-black fur pattern not only looks impressive; it helps blend them in to their snowy habitat during winter while providing humidity protection as well.

Giant pandas live alone and spend most of their lives eating bamboo – an important staple food source in their diets. Their paws are used to strip leaves off stems while peeling back outer sheaths to peel back outer sheaths on tough stems with ease; feeding time is typically 12 hours each day!

Pandas are highly curious creatures who like to explore their environment. They will roll around in moist soil to smell for scents, or bathe when temperatures increase. Their strong sense of smell helps them avoid predators while finding females to mate with in spring.

Wild pandas typically focus on eating bamboo, though they will occasionally snack on other plants or fish or rodents when needed. Fossil evidence shows they likely evolved as carnivorous animals before environmental conditions forced them to switch their diet over time to vegetarian. They still possess the digestive systems associated with carnivorous creatures but lack enzymes needed for digesting meat.

Pandas have developed unique adaptations in order to make the most of their limited nutrient supply, including wider and deeper skulls than other bears, with modified molars with ridges and cusps designed specifically to grind bamboo stalks, front paws designed to hold stalks upright while chewing and even modified sesamoid bones on their thumbs that allow for powerful gripping when engaging with bamboo stalks.


Giant pandas are nearsighted animals with limited fields of vision. Additionally, their eyesight is further compromised due to having catlike slit pupils instead of round ones like other bears do – making it more challenging for them to differentiate colors or see themselves reflected on surfaces such as water or soil.

Pandas are adept tree climbers, using trees to explore an area, escape predators, play, court and nest. Although able to swim, pandas rarely take to this activity in the wild.

Pandas are highly territorial animals that make use of scent marks and urine to mark their territory. Their scent glands secrete waxy substances which other pandas can smell up to one foot away – this way indicating when someone was present and helping avoid territory disputes between pandas. Furthermore, pandas communicate via calls as well as scent-marking trees, rocks, or bamboo for easy communication purposes.

Although these insects excel at climbing, they prefer not to walk much; instead they prefer rolling around on the ground instead; possibly because this makes it easier than walking and also to help their circulation when awakening after sleeping up to 16 hours per day!

Giant pandas’ digestive systems resemble those of carnivores, and therefore require them to consume large amounts of bamboo in order to receive all the essential nutrients that their bodies require for survival. Spending up to 16 hours each day eating and foraging for sustenance, giant pandas spend 10-16 hours daily foraging for sustenance; unlike other bears they don’t hibernate during winter; instead moving down lower mountain slopes instead if cubs have yet to arrive!


As is true of most bears, panda babies are born extremely small. But unlike other mammals that give birth solely to one baby at a time, pandas have the capacity to produce twins in about half their pregnancies – though in nature only one cub typically survives since mothers cannot provide enough food to both.

Pandas don’t breed often in the wild due to limited resources and predators; females only conceive approximately five times in their lifetime and fertilized eggs have only 36-40 hours to implant into their mother’s womb, making pandas one of the more difficult animals to breed in captivity, notes Vice Motherboard’s Kaleigh Rogers.

As babies are blind and hairless when born, panda cubs face an uphill struggle regulating their own temperature – making it easier for illness or death. Of zoo-born cubs only 30% survive as adults compared to 98% at breeding centers.

One factor for this may be that adult females only ovulate once every year and tend to be very independent creatures, giving men only short windows in which to impregnate her and even then it isn’t always successful.

Scientists don’t fully understand why pandas seem to enjoy rolling in horse poop – perhaps as an act of play or simply to clean themselves? Although scientists know of no adverse health impacts caused by this behavior, scientists believe it may serve as an attempt to clean themselves like other mammals do.

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