
Facts About Planet Mars

Mars, located four planets from the Sun and with two moons, has a reddish hue similar to our Earth. Polar ice caps and geological features suggest it once supported life on this red-hued world. Astronomers studying Mars during the 17th and 18th centuries saw evidence of civilization on Mars, including canals that appeared to carry

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Otherworldly Images of Spacecraft Wreckage on Mars

NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter, commonly referred to as the Marscopter, has captured breathtaking photos of spacecraft wreckage on Mars. These pictures reveal parts of Perseverance Rover’s parachute and backshell that assisted with landing last year on this planet. Images show that most of the backshell, parachute and suspension lines made it through to land safely despite

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The Red Planet

Mars, also known as “the Red Planet”, is the fourth planet from our Sun and often referred to by its nickname. Covered in reddish iron oxide, Mars features canyons, volcanoes and dry lake beds on its rocky surface. Additionally, its thin atmosphere contains carbon dioxide, nitrogen and trace amounts of water and methane gasses –

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How to Make a Trip to the Red Planet of Mars

Since 1610, when scientists first made telescopic observations of Mars through telescopes, scientists have been mapping and studying it. Recently, three missions – China’s Tianwen-1 probe, United Arab Emirates Hope probe and NASA Perseverance rover – have used Mars’ 26 month orbital period to gather new information. Orbiters have provided more clarity, disproving theories about

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100 Facts About Mars

Mars remains an intriguing planet that continues to captivate human imaginations, from H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds novella to blockbuster movies about it being explored further. Mars, commonly referred to as The Red Planet due to its red hue caused by iron oxide (rust), has an average day length of 24.6 hours while one

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