Fun Facts About Germany

fun fact germany

Germany is an attractive choice for postgraduate students, as this fascinating country hosts some unique characteristics you might be surprised to learn of! There may also be surprises you didn’t anticipate here!

Reutlingen boasts the world’s narrowest street. Additionally, Germans are famous for spending more money than anyone else on travel!

It’s the birthplace of Oktoberfest

As Oktoberfest turns 100 this year, or whether or not it is your first experience attending it, there is much to discover about its history and origins. From its role in German unification wars to fun facts like those below – learn all there is about Oktoberfest that might just surprise you!

Oktoberfest began as an important celebration to mark Crown Prince Ludwig (later King Ludwig I) and Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen’s marriage, lasting several days and concluding with a horse race on October 17. This historic occasion for Bavaria marked the first time all citizens were invited to dine and drink together as one state. Such was its success that an annual tradition developed, shifting its location each year according to weather.

Today, Oktoberfest has grown into a massive tourist attraction featuring beer tents that can host 12,000 guests each. Visitors can enjoy music, authentic cuisine, and of course plenty of beer! But did you know it started without beer at all? Beer first made its debut during festivities in 1881 – becoming part of this weeklong festival celebration ever since.

Over the years, this festival has grown exponentially to attract over one million attendees each year and become a significant economic force, generating over one billion euros each year in revenues. Alongside beer tasting sessions, visitors can also experience art and agriculture exhibits, bowling alleys, carnival rides, parades, and much more at this annual celebration of life!

In 1950, an opening ceremony tradition began: Munich’s Lord Mayor initiated Oktoberfest by tapping a keg and proclaiming, “O’zapft ist!” to mark its official start. Since then, Lord Mayors of Munich still open festivities by tapping one and shouting those iconic words at Oktoberfest opening ceremonies.

Oktoberfest has also been shown to increase births in Munich due to all the drinking and figure-hugging medieval garb worn at events, which likely contributes to this phenomenon. Other German cities have witnessed similar results.

It’s the birthplace of Haribo

Haribo, known worldwide for their iconic little gummy bears, was founded by Hans Riegel Sr. of Bonn in Germany in 1922. As an accomplished confectioner trained at Bonn University, Riegel opened up his own candy company called Haribo with only two employees at first. Soon enough he started selling sweets at local street fairs under this moniker while patenting an innovative machine to mold gelatin into various shapes which helped Haribo candies gain international popularity – eventually leading them all the way back home again!

Beth Kimmel, author of ‘Candy: The Sweet History,’ notes that precursors to gummy candies were jellies and jams made with preserved fruits preserved with pectin. According to Kimmel, Riegel’s bear-shaped candies were an early form of these early candies with gentle sweetness that wasn’t overly hard like many others; hence their soft yet digestible nature appeals more readily to children than other candies.

Haribo first came to America in 1982 after enjoying immense success across Europe, where Paul and Hans Riegel’s sons Paul and Hans rebuilt it by improving packaging and adapting flavors specifically tailored for American tastes – which allowed it to compete effectively against companies such as Herman Goelitz (renowned for jelly beans) and Trolli ( maker of gummy worms).

Even as its success continued to expand in America, however, World War II threatened its existence and caused great strain. Following his death in 1945 and imprisonment at American prisoner-of-war camps for their participation during rebuilding efforts of their company; Paul became production supervisor while Hans focused on marketing and sales activities. Upon their return home they assumed leadership roles: Paul overseeing production while Hans focused on marketing and sales activities.

Haribo currently produces over 100 million gummy bears each day and their candy is widely popular across America and sold in supermarkets nationwide. Haribo became so well known that Disney even ran an animated series called ‘Adventures of the Gummi Bears’ from 1985-1991 dedicated to them!

It’s the birthplace of “Silent Night”

This legendary Christmas carol hails from a small village near Salzburg and has since touched millions worldwide. Sung in hundreds of languages and dialects worldwide, in 2011 UNESCO added it to their list of intangible cultural heritage; its story behind its creation is equally compelling as its universal appeal.

Joseph Mohr wrote the lyrics to “Silent Night”, while Franz Xaver Gruber composed its music. Both lived near Salzburg and knew of the church where its premiere took place; to honor this event a small chapel has been built near Salzburg to remember this event; featuring two stained glass windows dedicated to Mohr and Gruber as well as artefacts from their collaboration. Today visitors can visit this small chapel which also contains a museum featuring objects associated with Mohr and Gruber as well as two stained glass windows dedicated to Mohr and Gruber as well as two stained glass windows dedicated to them both.

Silent Night was likely created purely by accident. When their church organ stopped working, they needed a backup plan quickly – guitarist Mohr had learned how to play guitar at that point – leading them to compose it on this particular instrument instead of an organ. As a result, many associate Silent Night with that instrument rather than another organ.

This song quickly spread across Europe and beyond, being adopted into Tyrolean folk singer families such as Rainers and Strasser Siblings’ repertoires and taken all over St Petersburg and New York by them. Mohr originally composed six verses; Rainers reduced them down to just three for performance today.

Both composer and lyricist made little money from their composition of “Mohr’s March.” Although Gruber recognized its international popularity when Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm IV wrote to St Peter’s Abbey in Salzburg asking about its origin, Gruber did not realize its impact until 1854 when Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm IV wrote him asking about how it came about (it became popular worldwide then; Mohr passed away 1848); nevertheless neither earned financial benefit due to GEMA not yet existing at that time).

Arnsdorf School House where Silent Night first came into being is now a museum and boasts both working organ on its ground-floor organ hall, as well as displays about Franz Xaver Gruber’s life on its second-floor displays – this museum is unique in Austria as the only one dedicated solely to Franz Xaver Gruber, composer of Silent Night. Furthermore, Hochburg-Ach is another excellent location to learn more about its history through Franz Xaver Gruber Peace Trail sculptures covering every continent that spans walking paths throughout this small village’s walking paths.

It’s the birthplace of Christmas

German town centers come alive with twinkling lights, the air is filled with the scent of baked apples and roasted almonds, and children dressed as angels singing Christmas carols on the streets – it’s time for Christmas in Germany! Christmas in Germany is an enjoyable tradition where families gather around good food together while taking some well-deserved time off work to celebrate together.

One of the hallmarks of German Christmas celebrations is the Christmas market (Weihnachtsmarkt). Held across towns and cities throughout Germany from November to December, these markets are renowned for their festive atmosphere and wide selection of local products – ideal places for finding unique presents!

People used to construct Christmas trees out of wood and display them inside their homes for celebrations, while today most opt for purchasing one from a store and decorating it with candles, ornaments and other festive decor to create festive atmospheres. Christmas trees also serve as popular decorations in public spaces like town squares.

Santa Clause (known in Germany as Weihnachtsmann) is an integral part of German Christmas festivities, and can often be found bringing gifts for children as well as writing them letters throughout the holiday season. You may have also encountered him at Christmas markets or special events!

Saint Nicholas is also synonymous with Christmas; on Nikolaustag or “Saint Nick’s Day”, German children place their boots outside their door on Nikolaustag for him to fill them with oranges, nuts, and chocolate on Nikolaustag morning. When Saint Nicholas arrives on Nikolaustag with Knecht Ruprecht as his sleigh-driver to punish misbehaving children.

While most countries celebrate Christmas on December 25, Germany prefers to exchange presents on Christmas Eve. On this night, families come together for dinner and opening gifts; it is also customary for children to recite poems or play instruments while singing Christmas carols known as Weihnachtenlieder.

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