Fact About Argentina

fact about argentina

Argentina has endured dictatorships, economic crises and wars. Additionally, one of its first achievements was radio broadcasting; and also gave birth to one of the first full-length cartoons with Quirino Cristiani’s work.

Patagonia is home to some of the oldest land plants (liverworts) ever found anywhere, as well as having the highest plastic surgery per capita rates in the world! Plus it boasts the highest incidence rate for plastic surgery procedures!


Argentina has experienced many dramatic transformations over its history. Prior to European colonization, Argentina was an isolated and sparsely-inhabited region characterized by subtropical weather that proved challenging for agriculture to manage. Indigenous peoples lived here, cultivating quebracho forests for tannin production which aided early leather industries.

In the 19th century, heavy immigration produced a population that was almost entirely of European descent – most notably of Italian and Spanish heritage. Foreign-born people outnumbered native Argentinians by as much as two to one in some cities.

After World War II, Juan Domingo Peron was elected president and implemented plans to assist poorer classes. Additionally, he helped form the Argentine Army and create jobs in public works projects. When Peron died in 1974 however, military leaders took power, with their Proceso de Reorganizacion Nacional leading to widespread violence dubbed as The Dirty War.

At the turn of the 21st century, Argentina faced severe economic issues such as high unemployment and inflation. Nestor Kirchner won election as president in 2003 and began stabilizing the economy; his wife Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner became President later that same year.

Since the end of military rule, Argentina’s government has worked diligently to advance human rights and the economy. Now a stable democracy, Argentina’s leaders strive to reduce poverty and inequality; 2010 marked Argentina as the first South American nation to permit same-sex marriage; additionally it hosts an extensive gay community, particularly within Buenos Aires where you’ll find one of the world’s largest Tango festivals held every year – making this country an attractive travel destination.


Argentinans speak a variety of languages due to high immigration from other continents and the diversity of native cultures. Spanish is the national language and primary means of administration as well as required coursework for public school education; Argentine Spanish differs significantly from other variations; for example, its trilled “r” sounds similar to an English “zh”.

History as a former colony of Spain has left its mark on both language and culture in Argentina, with 41.7 million native speakers of Spanish at home residing within its borders; Buenos Aires stands out as a city where inhabitants speak several varieties of Spanish from residents living there.

Argentina’s common identity has been shaped by immigrants from around the globe who have contributed significantly to its creation. Over 1.5 million Italian speakers reside within its borders today – descendants of an Italian immigration wave that peaked during the 1920s.

Popular immigrant languages in Canada include Levantine Arabic, which is spoken by about one million people across Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. There are also 400,000 speakers of German and 200,000 speakers of Yiddish in Canada – among many others!

Even though Spanish remains their primary language, Argentinians are known for being friendly and hospitable people with an impressive variety of distinct idioms. It’s quite common for Argentines to greet each other with a kiss on the cheek no matter if it is friends or strangers; traditional regional clothing may also be worn when visiting certain parts of Argentina – something which gives it its unique identity and makes visiting this fascinating nation truly worthwhile.


Argentinaeans practice multiple religions. Catholicism remains the largest faith, with approximately 41% of population adhering to it, followed by Evangelicalism at over 5% and other major faiths such as Judaism, Protestantism and Islam all making significant impacts in Argentina’s society. Jewish immigration first arrived from Russian Federation and Poland during 19th century immigration waves into Buenos Aires where Yiddish culture thrived through Latin America today – this population makes up approximately 3.5 million Argentinians with Jewish roots today!

Argentina is one of the world’s most religiously diverse nations, while its political system follows a republican model, featuring an executive government, two legislative chambers and an independent judiciary to balance each power’s balance – this structure serves as the cornerstone of democracy.

Religious opponents to abortion adapted their arguments to fit with modern democratic culture. They employed public action tactics, such as occupying public spaces and holding debates. Furthermore, they utilized public media channels like social media and posters around cities to spread their message; even creating logos using light blue – the color of the national flag.

Since 2018, Argentina has taken steps to redefine its role as an advocate of human rights by passing laws such as civil divorce, sex education, same-sex marriage and gender identity. Concurrent with these policies was an expansion in sexual and reproductive rights – including access to abortion – prompting conservative religious sectors and other actors to question its legitimacy; this article explores how opponents of abortion adapted their rhetoric in response to Argentina’s political landscape between 2018-2021.


Argentina is famous for its passionate tango culture and beautiful landscapes, but also has a vibrant sports world. Soccer (futbol) is Argentina’s most beloved pastime; their national team has even won two world championships! Other popular sports include rugby, tennis and polo.

Argentina boasts an extensive sports legacy and regularly hosts major sporting events throughout the year. Argentines are especially passionate about futbol (known here), celebrating their national team’s victories over time with great reverence for players like Diego Maradona and Lionel Messi who represent them at international tournaments.

Basketball is another immensely popular sport in Argentina and fans avidly follow its top league, Liga Nacional de Basquet. Four-time NBA Champion Manu Ginobili with San Antonio Spurs serves as a source of inspiration to young Argentine basketballers hoping to follow in his footsteps.

Polo has long been an Argentine tradition, with players from Argentina competing internationally and regularly winning top spots at tournaments around the globe. Played on horseback, players attempt to carry a leather ball through a large hoop in opposing team territory while on their horses.

Argentina is widely known for producing outstanding athletes across a range of sports disciplines, such as auto racing, field hockey, boxing, cycling, golfing, handball rowing sailing skiing and tennis. Furthermore, Argentina’s dramatic mountain landscapes and long coastline make the ideal environment for outdoor activities like canoeing fishing biking hiking etc.


Ushuaia serves as an entranceway to Tierra del Fuego and southern Argentina, situated between mountains and the Beagle Channel – creating an ideal natural harbor for both cruise ships and tourists alike. Furthermore, this city serves as an economic center of its region; with fishing, oil & gas extraction, sheep farming & tourism among its primary industries. Ushuaia has long been recognized for its picturesque views & stunning landscapes which draw ecotourists. Likewise, this region is rich with history & traditions – in 2009 it became the first city in Latin America to permit same-sex marriages.

Ushuaia was once home to the Yaghan people, a nomadic group who hunted sea lions and other marine life with harpoons before sailing their canoes made from tree bark along the Beagle Channel.

Ushuaia was first settled by Argentines in 1873, when Thomas Bridges, a missionary from Massachusetts, settled there to learn Yaghan culture and language; during this time he also compiled a dictionary containing over 30 Yaghan words. Estancia Harberton still stands today as an impressive testament to Bridges’ efforts and visitors are welcome to take a guided tour through it to view his works.

Ushuaia is home to the SS Monte Cervantes, an iconic wooden tugboat beached in 1957 and lit up nightly from Ushuaia’s main street. Originally constructed in Camden, Maine as HMS Justice for World War II service before being sold off to an Argentine businessman for salvage operations in Ushuaia.

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