Crazy Bug Facts

crazy bug facts

From Ladybug impostor species to double drummer cicadas, these fascinating insect facts will open your eyes to the insect world in an entirely new light! So grab your magnifying glass and join us as we take an in-depth look into their world!

Praying mantises can use their amazing ability to swivel their heads 180 degrees without moving the rest of their bodies in order to search for food sources or keep an eye out for any predators who might threaten them. They use this great ability for scanning food sources or keeping track of possible threats!

Goliath beetle

Goliathus albosignatus, commonly known as the Goliath beetle, is an impressive species of beetle that resembles bones. This striking insect is distinguished by its black markings on white bodies which give the illusion that its body consists of bone structure; additionally its forked feet provide extra grip when climbing trees or other objects.

The goliath beetle has an unusual diet consisting of fruit and tree bark. Their powerful mandibles can pierce through tough exteriors of fruits and tree bark to reach soft, nutritious interiors; fuzzy areas in their mouths serve as sponges to soak up any juices left from their food source; male goliath beetles use their horns as weapons against other beetles to secure food and mating opportunities in the wild.

Once a female lays eggs, these hatchlings become larvae that feed on decaying plant and animal matter on the forest floor until reaching 3.5oz in weight. After this stage, they move underground into sandy soil where they remain dormant until rainy season arrives and emerge as adults looking for mates.

As with most beetles, the goliath beetle features two sets of wings; its primary pair serves as protective covers for its secondary membranous wings; when not in use they fold under its elytra.

Even though the Goliath beetle is endangered, it plays an integral part of forest ecosystems. Recycling nutrients from dead leaves and fungi, propagating trees, controlling pest populations, as well as contributing to tree propagation efforts is just some of its many functions. Therefore, further research and conservation efforts must be conducted in order to safeguard this extraordinary creature.

Diving beetle

The Diving beetle (commonly referred to as “water boatman”) is an aquatic bug capable of breathing underwater using gill-like appendages on its abdomen to extract oxygen from water while its carbon dioxide-secreting glands secrete carbon dioxide; this allows it to remain submerged for extended periods.

To move forward, diving beetles swing their hind legs back and forth to propel themselves. Their sleek bodies with two flattened hind legs make them excellent swimmers; these legs allow the beetle to propel itself at up to 3 meters per second by switching between power stroke and recovery strokes.

Beetle power strokes resemble human arm usage when walking, cycling or swimming; their femur moves closer to their head as angle between it and tibia decreases from 60deg to 55deg – similar to how humans use their arms when doing these activities – protecting it against predators and mechanical damage.

Beetles possess long, thin jaws fitted with sharp pincers. When they spot food floating in the water, beetles stand still until their prey swims by and grabs it with their sickle-shaped jaws before injecting a brown digestive juice through canals in their mouthparts into it to dissolve any body tissues or structures, sucking up all that digested liquid for themselves!

The insect world is packed with intriguing and bizarre facts. From cockroaches who can hold their breath for 40 minutes to fireflies that flash simultaneously, bugs make our world truly amazing and often funny. Check out 20 of the craziest bug insights below, and prepare to be amazed!


Cockroaches have flat bodies with threadlike antennae and six legs. Though unattractive in appearance, this insect serves an invaluable purpose – it scavenges various organic material for food sources; especially soft materials with moisture or decay that has not yet decomposed. Furthermore, it scavenges garbage and human waste.

Cockroaches have an incredible capacity for survival without mouths or heads; instead they breathe through small holes on each segment. Cockroaches can even withstand extreme conditions – for instance they can spend 30 minutes submerged underwater! Plus their wax-like exoskeleton allows them to float easily on water.

Cockroaches first emerged during the Carboniferous period and are one of the oldest living insects. Although their brains are relatively small, their tiny heads contain chemicals which are capable of killing certain kinds of bacteria. Scientists are currently developing drugs using compounds found within cockroach brains as sources of inspiration for drugs development.

Humans tend not to enjoy cockroaches, but they play an integral part of our ecosystem and provide food sources for birds, mammals and parasitic wasps as well as helping with recycling nutrients in soil. Without them, Earth would look more like a Carboniferous swamp than it does now!

Some people believe cockroaches would survive a nuclear apocalypse due to their hardiness; however, this is only partly true as they only survive five times the amount of radiation exposure as humans; other insects such as fruit flies and certain ant species could far outshone cockroaches when it comes to radiation resistance.

Titan beetle

Titanus beetles are one of the largest beetles on Earth, comprising one species within their genus Titanus. Reaching up to 6.5 inches long – more than twice the size of your outstretched palm! They belong to Prioninae subfamily of Cerambycidae family – part of longhorned beetle group known for their large antennae resembling horns – as part of Prioninae subfamily Cerambycidae family that belongs Prioninae subfamily Cerambycidae family – just another impressive fact about them!

Titan beetles may appear threatening, but they’re actually harmless creatures. While their sharp jaws provide protection from predators, these powerful beetles only bite when threatened and hiss in response. Furthermore, their size means they are very powerful so scientists must use extreme caution when handling them.

Titan beetles resemble other beetles in having hard-shell elytra and six legs, yet differ significantly due to their remarkable eyes, which take up about one third of their head space and consist of hundreds or more hexagonal facets protecting individual lenses beneath. As these hexagonal facets move further away from their center position they gradually weaken allowing the beetle to navigate light sources more accurately.

Titan beetles inhabit rainforests of Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela and French Guiana. These insects feature dark brown patterns on their head and abdomen while their legs, thorax and mandibles are black – their powerful jaws can snap pencils in half while puncturing human flesh piercering it as they don’t pose any threats to people; in fact Titan beetles have many uses within South American forests such as pest control or ecotourism.

Chan’s megastick

Chan’s Megastick (Phobaeticus chani) has recently been discovered as the longest insect ever, measuring more than 22 inches with legs extended and beating out previous record holder Phobaeticus Kirbyi from Borneo by half an inch.

No one really knows much about these long, thin creatures which can reach over 14 inches. Living in the highest canopies of rainforests, these adept hunters live undetected as their appearance may fool predators.

These insects possess thin bodies with hollow centers containing tiny holes for breathing purposes, which open and close as the insect moves. Air enters through these tiny openings known as spiracles before carbon dioxide exits via exhaling. Houdinis of insects! They’ve become adept at dodging danger by holding their breath for as much as 40 minutes!

These insects have the ability to create light with their long antennae, flicking their heads to create bright flashes of illumination! Additionally, Hercules beetles possess another incredible power: lifting 850 times their own weight! That would be equivalent to you lifting 10 elephants!

Other noteworthy insects include the Atlas moth, with wings capable of flapping 150 times their own body size! Its wings allow it to soar effortlessly across the sky!

Insects are incredible architects, creating amazing structures to serve various functions. Glowworms are among the world’s finest architects, designing gorgeous glowing nests which dangle from their webs to collect food for their young. Meanwhile, ants build complex structures to protect their colonies.

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