What Does Mercury Do to Your Body?

Mercury can have devastating effects on kidneys, nerves and the cardiovascular system. Additionally, mercury exposure is toxic for lung health; pneumonia and pulmonary edema can result from prolonged exposure. Traditional Chinese and Indian herbal remedies contain mercury; also, some thermometers and blood pressure machines may expose people to it. Fetuses and infants exposed to methylmercury…

Choosing a Mercury Or Suzuki Outboard

Suzuki revolutionized the industry when they unveiled a 600 horsepower V-12 outboard that revolutionized power and performance. Their flagship DF350A included many industry-first innovations such as two contra-rotating propellers to maximize power, improve hole shot performance and facilitate low speed maneuvering. Break-in procedures must be observed when purchasing a new outboard to maintain its warranty…

Will Mercury Cars Come Back?

Mercury Motor Company launched their Mercury division in 1939 to offer mid-tier sedans between Ford’s entry-level Ford models and Lincoln luxury models, most often built upon Ford platforms. Early on, Mercury distinguished itself from Ford by offering distinctive integrated body designs. These models quickly gained favor with hot rodders – so much so that James…

How Many Mercury Retrogrades in 2022 Will Cause Financial Chaos?

Be it your laptop freezing at an important meeting or an old flame coming back into your life, Mercury could be to blame. This impish planet moves backward in your sign three or four times every year, creating communication and tech havoc. Mercury will make two retrograde passes through Capricorn this autumn, plus pre-retrograde shadowing…

How Much Mercury is in Sushi?

Consuming too much mercury-contaminated fish can lead to serious consequences, including tremors, numbness, memory problems and muscle weakness. Sushi eaters should exercise extreme care when selecting their selections of seafood. Smaller species at the lower levels of the food chain tend to accumulate less mercury, making shrimp, salmon and other seafood low on the food…

How Mercury Got Its Name

Mercury is a heavy, silvery-white liquid metal commonly referred to as quicksilver. Mercury takes its name from both planet and Roman god with the same name. Mercury served as messenger between physical world and divine realm. Human activity releases mercury into the environment, either naturally or through pollution. Ancient Greeks Mercury, our closest planet to…