Spacecraft in Orbit

As in throwing something, satellites are launched by rocket to enter their orbit around Earth, like any object being launched from the ground. But unlike its trajectory when being released directly, their paths follow curves rather than straight paths. Satellites in high orbit offer scientists stunning pictures of our planet and solar system. At the

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How Fast Can a Spacecraft Get to Mercury?

Mercury orbits quickly around the Sun and scientists seeking to understand its mysteries have quickly identified a spacecraft capable of reaching it within sufficient timeframe. Slowing a spacecraft with flybys may be straightforward, but getting it to Mercury’s speed requires more complicated methods. Here’s how scientists plan to achieve their goal. Mariner 10 Chen-Wan Yen

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Fun Fact About Brazil

Brazil occupies half of South America and boasts both natural marvels and vibrant cultures, from its Amazon rainforests to iconic beaches like Copacabana. Brazil truly is a land of abundance! Brasilia, Brazil’s capital city was constructed during the 1950s to promote development of its interior. One interesting fact about Brazil is that Queimada Grande island

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Facts About Planet Mars

Mars, located four planets from the Sun and with two moons, has a reddish hue similar to our Earth. Polar ice caps and geological features suggest it once supported life on this red-hued world. Astronomers studying Mars during the 17th and 18th centuries saw evidence of civilization on Mars, including canals that appeared to carry

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