Author name: star planete

The Amazing Eye

Eyes are among the most complex organs in our bodies, yet many don’t realize they can detect over a million colors! Or that they blink approximately 10,000 times each day? The eyes are testaments to evolution’s gradual refinement. Learn more about this amazing organ as well as a few easy strategies to maintain healthy vision

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What Happens When a Spacecraft Blows Up?

Space can be an unpredictable place; we’re continually losing pieces of vehicles that exploded on-orbit or experienced violent separation during orbit. Probably the best-known example was when Challenger disintegrated shortly after launch in 1986, killing its crew due to an O-ring failure and rubber seal separation issues on its booster rockets. Debris Researchers still are

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Spacecraft – A Granular Synthesis App For iOS

Spacecraft was specifically created for iOS, with developer Mark Watt describing its ability to turn any sound into an easily playable musical instrument. Two parallel granular engines allow users to customize grain frequency/length, sample position LFO and stereo reverb/filter settings. An innovative grain pitch sequencer and compatibility with MIDI/MPE systems expand performance possibilities further still.

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Aerojet Rocketdyne Is One of Many Companies Working on NASA’s Orion Spacecraft

Orion was designed to send humans on missions further than ever before, flying from Kennedy Space Center in Florida atop NASA’s Space Launch System rocket. Aerojet Rocketdyne developed its Launch Abort System jettison motor, designed to separate crew capsule from service module during an emergency launch or ascent and land under parachutes. Aerojet Rocketdyne Aerojet

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New Horizons Attitude Control System

New Horizons is equipped with a multilayered thermal insulation system to retain heat produced by its operating electronics, keeping its shape and remaining precisely aligned for gathering data through instruments, communicating with Earth or maneuvering through space. Small hydrazine thrusters reorient the spacecraft 100 times every second, while star trackers and an inertial measurement unit

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