The Moon goes through a series of appearance phases as it orbits our Earth. These appearance changes occur because of the way the Moon’s hemisphere is illuminated by the Sun during its lunar cycle.
The phases are named for the amount of illuminated surface that is seen from Earth at any given time. For example, during a waxing crescent phase, the entire left side of the Moon is illuminated in the Northern Hemisphere; the right side is in darkness.
New Moon
The Moon goes through a cycle of phases each month. Astronomers break this cycle down into four primary phases and four secondary phases. Each cycle takes about 29.5 days to complete, known as a synodic month.
During each phase, the Moon changes its appearance from a partially illuminated crescent to a completely lit disk. This is the result of the Moon’s orbital movement around Earth.
If you’re wondering what the new moon phase is this month, it’s a period of time when the Moon is closest to the Earth in its orbit around our planet. At this time, the side of the Moon that faces Earth is in shadow and cannot be seen.
It’s also called a Waxing Crescent Moon because it is the stage in which the Moon’s entire left side becomes nearly fully illuminated. Then, as the Moon goes through its orbital motion, it slowly begins to shrink away from that light until a thin crescent remains on that side.
The waxing crescent phase is a good time to observe the surface of the Moon because it allows you to see the features of its surface such as craters and mountains. This phase can be viewed 1-2 hours before sunrise and is best viewed from a clear sky.
First Quarter
The first quarter of the moon is a time when you may start to take stock of your life and your goals. This is a great time to set yourself up for success. Whether you’re working on your career, a new family, or something else entirely, this is the time to take action and begin checking things off that list!
The way the moon changes phase is a product of its orbit around Earth. It travels a full circle once every 29.5 days, completing an approximate cycle.
As it passes through its phases, the Moon illuminates different parts of its surface. This is known as lunar libration, and it occurs because the Moon’s orbit is slightly irregular.
It also means that the Moon can be viewed from different angles, as seen from different parts of Earth. This can be a little confusing for some people, but it’s a normal part of the astronomical cycle that occurs once every month.
The Moon’s phases are a product of its eccentric orbit, and this allows different parts of its surface to be illuminated by the Sun during its monthly cycle. The percentage of the Moon’s disk that’s illuminated during each phase is essentially the same, but the illuminated portion can appear on different sides of the Moon or even at different times.
Full Moon
The full moon phase is the most prominent of all the lunar phases. It’s also the most powerful, bringing in energy for new beginnings and releasing old patterns.
This month, the full moon will be visible in the sky on Friday night. It will reach peak illumination around 6:08 p.m. ET and rise in the east as the sun sets, according to EarthSky.
If you’re looking for a way to tap into the powerful moon energy, try a simple manifestation ritual. It’s a great way to get clear on what you want to attract, and you can use whatever you have on hand (photos, notes, crystals, etc.) to help make it happen.
You can even do this if you’re feeling a little unsteady or need a little extra support. Just make sure to take it easy, and don’t stress too much about bringing things into fruition!
Last Quarter
The Moon changes appearance every month, as it orbits Earth. It goes through a series of phases, changing from full to crescent to waxing and waning. Each of these phases has a different appearance on Earth and changes the way we view the Moon.
The last quarter of the moon happens about a week after a full moon when the Moon appears to be only partially illuminated. This is because the Moon is moving away from Earth in its orbit, so its light only comes from a small sliver on the opposite side of its surface. In the Northern Hemisphere, this is called “half-lit.”
While it is visible from Earth, it is not as bright as a full Moon. This phase can be a good time to reflect on the world you’re living in.
Linn had a big problem with her mother, and this Last Quarter Moon gave her the chance to finally let it go. It was a hard step to take, but the result freed up her psychic energy and opened up space for new ideas.
This phase is a great time to focus on your spirituality and the things you want to achieve in your life. You should also be sure to keep an eye out for any negative energy that might be affecting you.
Waning Crescent
This month, the Moon is in a waning crescent phase. This is a very exciting time to look at the night sky. You can see a lot of amazing celestial objects like nebulae and galaxies.
The waning crescent phase is a time when the illuminated portion of the Moon is gradually shrinking, and as a result the moon is getting darker. It’s also a great time to do astronomy and observe the stars.
When the Moon goes into a waning crescent phase, it’s one step away from completing an orbit around Earth. The waning crescent is a good time to do a lunar calendar, so you can keep track of the phases and know when you’ll be able to see the Moon.
If you want to learn more about the moon phases, you can take a moon quiz at NASA’s StarChild project website. You can find out what the different moon phases mean and how they’re different from each other.
The Moon cycles through eight phases, and each of these phases has a distinct shape that is visible to us on Earth. We can use a diagram of the Moon’s cycle to see how it would look during each phase.
Waxing Gibbous
The waxing gibbous moon phase is the next phase in the cycle after the First Quarter Moon and before the Full Moon. It is also the last one in a series of four intermediate phases that occur between the primary Moon phases (New Moon, First Quarter, Full Moon, and Last Quarter) and the final waning phase (Waning Crescent).
The Waxing Gibbous Moon occurs when the illuminated part of the Moon appears to increase. It starts from about half of the sunlit portion that we see in the First Quarter Moon and grows to more than half in the Full Moon, resulting in a fully illuminated part.
This intermediate phase is a good time to reflect and reevaluate your goals. As you start to rework your plans and move forward, you’ll find new motivation and a fresh perspective on what has worked so far.
You’ll need to make some sacrifices to reach your goals, but you’ll be able to benefit from these changes in the long run. The balance of light and shadow during this moon phase signals that you’re moving in the right direction with your projects.
The waxing gibbous moon phase is a great time to take stock of what’s working and what’s not, and it’s a wonderful time for stargazing. However, be aware that a waxing gibbous Moon will dominate the night sky and lesser bright objects will not be visible at all.