How Do Bluetooth Work? – find more about this

Bluetooth is a radio technology that can be used to connect devices within a short distance. It’s one of the most common wireless technologies in use today and appears on products across the smart home space. To communicate, Bluetooth devices use a radio that hops between dozens of short-wavelength UHF (ultra-high frequency) channels hundreds of…


Solar System Space Objects

The solar system consists of the Sun and the planets, natural satellites, asteroids, meteoroids and comets that orbit it. These objects range in size from microscopic dust to the largest planets. They all have certain characteristics that scientists use to classify them. These include size, temperature and composition. Planets In our solar system, a planet…

What Are the 4 Types of Brain Waves? – find more about this

The human brain is a complex system of billions of neurons that communicate through electrical pulses. These pulses can be measured in the EEG (electroencephalogram). The waves generated by the brain are referred to as brainwaves, and they occur in four distinct categories. Each one is associated with specific mental activities. Alpha Alpha waves are…


How Many Solar Systems in Space Are There? – find more about this

The Sun is only one of billions of stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way. This means there are many other solar systems out in space, each with their own planets and moons. The eight planets in the Solar System and their hundreds of natural satellites (moons) are surrounded by countless asteroids, comets and other…

Why the Mind Matters

The mind is a complex set of cognitive functions controlled by the brain. But it also has some unique features that make it unique from the rest of the body. Despite the growing popularity of the reductive materialist view of consciousness, some philosophers are still questioning whether experience can be merely physical. Your imagination Your…


How Many Solar Systems Are There in Space?

The Sun, the eight planets and their moons, and countless asteroids, comets, and other small, icy objects comprise our Solar System. The Solar System formed 4.5 billion years ago from leftover materials from the collapse of a cloud of interstellar material. The four inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, were rocky, but the outer…

What Is Evolution and How Does It Affect Cyborgs?

Evolution is the process by which populations of different organisms (species) develop and adapt to their environments. Evolution occurs naturally through the action of natural selection, which rewards certain advantageous traits and punishes others through better or worse survival or reproduction. 1. Humans will become cyborgs Cyborgs are people who have a bionic or mechanical…