Rare Creatures of the Sea

Goblinfish (Glyptauchen panduratus), sometimes seen in horror movie, is an uncommon and bizarre species found only in deep-sea habitats without direct light. These deep-sea creatures look straight out of Jim Henson’s studio. Moving slowly across the ocean floor with tubular appendages that appear leg-like, they churn up soft mud for plants and animals to consume….

The Sea Horse Life Cycle

Sea horses are unique among marine fish species in that males can become pregnant during mating. A female deposits her eggs into his brood pouch and is fertilized. He uses his frontal pouch to regulate conditions within, providing nutrients to embryos forming within it for up to six weeks before using muscular contractions to expulse…

What Does Sea Turtle Eat?

Each sea turtle species has a specific diet depending on its habitat and available food sources, with different-shaped jaws to efficiently consume their favorite dishes. Green sea turtles feature finely serrated beaks to scrape algae off rocks and feed on seagrasses; hatchlings of these turtles are omnivorous. Hawksbills feature bird-like beaks for accessing cracks in…