
The Apollo 11 Mission Was More Than Just A Mission To The Moon

Computer control of spacecraft systems assisted Armstrong during descent. At certain altitudes, an abort was no longer an option and an abort procedure could only be carried out with clearance from NASA. On 20 July, Armstrong detached Eagle from Collins and began its powered descent towards the lunar surface, eventually conducting his inaugural two and […]

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A New Mission to Mars Will Help Scientists Learn More About the Red Planet

Mars has long been of interest to scientists and astronomers. As one of our nearest neighbors, this planet holds many mysteries to reveal. Mars is an extremely cold planet located much further from the sun than Earth. Mars, known for its fiery hue, stands as a powerful and brave symbol. Astronomy Mars, located fourth from

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Reconstruction of the Apollo Mission Budget

Dreier used official NASA budget submissions to Congress and internal documentation describing appropriations for facilities and overhead expenses during FY 1961 to 1973 as the basis of his reconstruction of Apollo costs, then adjusted them for inflation using two inflation indices tailored specifically for aerospace projects. Exploring the costs involved in beating Soviet spacecraft to

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The Computer Power That Made the Apollo Mission Possible

No doubt modern smartphones are far more powerful than the computers used on Apollo missions, yet such comparisons underplay the amazing technology employed by NASA during these missions to get us there. MIT-designed Apollo Guidance Computer was crashproof, operating according to a hierarchical system which allocated energy based on program importance; this allowed energy distribution

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