Apollo 11 Launches and Lands on the Moon

Armstrong and Aldrin used the two-hour moon walk to deploy Early Apollo Scientific Experiment Package instruments as well as collect rock and soil samples. Armstrong realized as they approached landing, the automatic landing system was leading them towards a rocky crater and ordered mission controllers to authorize a risky manual maneuver to address it. Apollo…

Columbia Spacecraft Launches on STS-51

Columbia was NASA’s original space shuttle and served numerous microgravity experiments throughout its lifespan. Additionally, Columbia featured an external airlock/docking adaptor designed specifically to support Hubble Space Telescope servicing missions. Just 82 seconds after liftoff, foam from ET’s left bipod ramp collided with its left wing and caused a breach that allowed atmospheric gases into…

SpaceX Launches Dragon and Falcon 9 Spacecraft Into Orbit

SpaceX finally achieved orbit with its Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon spacecraft after years of failure, fulfilling their ambitious plans to transport people and cargo to Mars and other solar system destinations. At the core of these vehicles are powerful rocket engines which use methane and oxygen fuel for thrust, with any excess being recycled…