The Life Cycle of Flowers

Flowers come in all sorts of shapes, colors and scents; their main purpose being to attract pollinators insects while producing seeds that perpetuate the species. Seeds contain miniature plants called embryos. Each seed has a hard shell called a seed coat to protect it, which allows germination to occur quickly. Once sprouting occurs, embryos develop…

Early Signs of Spring

Early spring brings new life and excitement in nature – from dozing frogspawn in park lakes to blackbirds’ raspy “onk-a-lee” song, as well as blooms like daffodils, crocuses and tulips appearing across woodlands and hedgerows. Tree buds blooming are an unmistakable sign of spring, while hazel catkins form long “lamb’s tails”. Birds Spring’s early signs…

The Life Cycles of Plants

Plants, like all living things, go through a cycle of birth, growth and reproduction. Most plants start out life as seeds that sprout to become mature plants with flowers and fruit; later, these mature plants produce new seeds via fertilization or pollination, and eventually reproduce further seeds themselves. Seeds Plants are living organisms that rely…

The Plant Cycle of Life

The plant lifecycle refers to a series of stages in which a plant goes from its seedling stage through maturity. Beginning with its birth from its cocoon, which contains everything needed to start growth from scratch. Seedlings develop from seeds, using sunlight, water, nutrients and air for survival. Seeds Seeds are the smallest component of…