The Early Signs of Spring

Once again after an especially harsh winter it’s incredible to witness the first signs of spring: snowdrops blooming (this year they could even be found blooming as early as January!), migrants like warblers and woodcocks arriving, etc. From March through April you can hear birds begin singing again in their dawn chorus. Bumblebees buzz about…

What Happened to the Earth in Saturn’s Early Days?

Saturn boasts several large and small moons, the largest being Titan, which is slightly bigger than Mercury and offers researchers insights into Earth’s early formation. Astronomers have known since the 1980s that Saturn’s iconic rings are gradually dissolving, though no exact timeline or rate were available to them. The Rings Astronomers have long noted the…

Signs of Early Spring

Southeast and Mid-Atlantic residents have seen early blooming daffodils and forsythia blooming unseasonably early this spring. Frogs have begun singing, while new grass has sprouted. Now is the time to shake off that winter blues and begin looking for signs that spring is around the corner! Below are a few early indicators and tick them…