What Does a Cheetah Eat?

Cheetahs, like other African big cats, are carnivorous predators that prey upon smaller- to medium-size mammals such as gazelles, impalas, hares and wildebeest calves. These hunters rely solely on sight and are diurnal hunters who tend to prefer early morning or evening hunting sessions. They frequently scan termite mounds and kopjes (small rocky hills) in…

How Does the Sky Color Blue?

The sky’s vibrant blue hue results from scattering of sunlight by Earth’s atmosphere, mostly composed of nitrogen and oxygen molecules smaller than wavelengths of light; they scatter blue light more effectively. Violet and red wavelengths tend to scatter less, thus leaving blue wavelengths for our eyes. Rayleigh Scattering Lord Rayleigh discovered in the 1800s that…

How Often Does Mercury Retrograde?

Mercury Retrograde occurs three to four times annually and can be extremely frustrating; however, it doesn’t have to be all bad! Named after the Roman messenger god Mercury, this planet of swift movement rules communication in all forms–listening, writing, reading and speaking–including negotiations and contracts as well as travel transportation and shipping activities. It happens…

What Does Seahorse Eat?

Seahorses have an instinctual feeding drive which is stimulated by watching prey move frantically around. Their feeding instinct is especially strong when dealing with caprellid amphipods! Seahorses love sucking up these tasty morsels for sustenance! Giwojna (1996, Oct) states that shrimps can easily be obtained at bait shops and aquarium stores. Once acquired, they can…

Why Does a Spacecraft Crash?

Mission Operations Center staff watched with excitement as a dot on the screen gradually expanded into an unmistakably spherical, boulder-covered space rock. Engineers quickly announced “this is nominal”, an aerospace engineering term meaning everything had gone as planned. DART was built for this momentous occasion – to demonstrate technology that could one day shield Earth…

Where Does Ladybug Live?

Ladybugs can be found worldwide, flourishing best in temperate climates with plenty of marigolds, geraniums and chrysanthemums to feed on. These insects mate and lay eggs near colonies of aphids as a primary food source. After hibernation during winter, they emerge again in spring to mate and reproduce. Spring As spring arrives, ladybugs come out…