
What Does Seahorse Eat?

Seahorses have an instinctual feeding drive which is stimulated by watching prey move frantically around. Their feeding instinct is especially strong when dealing with caprellid amphipods! Seahorses love sucking up these tasty morsels for sustenance! Giwojna (1996, Oct) states that shrimps can easily be obtained at bait shops and aquarium stores. Once acquired, they can […]

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Why Does a Spacecraft Crash?

Mission Operations Center staff watched with excitement as a dot on the screen gradually expanded into an unmistakably spherical, boulder-covered space rock. Engineers quickly announced “this is nominal”, an aerospace engineering term meaning everything had gone as planned. DART was built for this momentous occasion – to demonstrate technology that could one day shield Earth

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Where Does Ladybug Live?

Ladybugs can be found worldwide, flourishing best in temperate climates with plenty of marigolds, geraniums and chrysanthemums to feed on. These insects mate and lay eggs near colonies of aphids as a primary food source. After hibernation during winter, they emerge again in spring to mate and reproduce. Spring As spring arrives, ladybugs come out

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What Does Starfish Eat?

Starfish are predators and feed on an assortment of marine invertebrates. Their flexible feeding strategies make the most out of whatever food may be present in their environments. Animals use their arms to capture and pry open the hard shells of clams, oysters, mussels and other shellfish before using cardiac stomachs to wrap around their

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What Does Spacecraft Mean?

Spacecraft are vehicles designed to transport people or cargo into space using rocket propulsion. Their primary use is leaving Earth’s gravity for other planets within our Solar System; those aboard such spacecraft are known as astronauts or cosmonauts. Orbital spacecraft resemble capsules or spaceplanes in shape and function. Reusable or expendable versions exist. Each requires

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