
The Cool Things About Japan

Japan offers much to love – from its breathtaking cherry blossoms and legendary Samurai tales, to its eccentric sideshows and quirky food scenes. But have you seen its quirky sideshows yet? Hotels often avoid using the fourth floor as it is thought of as unlucky. Furthermore, Japanese have pioneered entertainment around the globe through karaoke […]

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Cool Facts About Gorillas

Gorillas are fascinating animals with many remarkable attributes. They have four-legged walking capabilities and possess incredible intelligence; even being seen using tools! Their noseprints allow scientists to identify them. Mammals live in large social groups called troops and are polygamous. Each troop has an alpha male known as the silverback who leads and breeds with

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Cool Hurricane Facts

Hurricanes are devastating storms with unimaginable ferocity. Their destructive force must be respected as one hurricane alone has the energy equivalent of 10 atomic bombs every second! There is so much to know about hurricanes! From their name’s roots to how they shape weather patterns, this comprehensive list of facts about hurricanes will surprise and

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Cool Facts About Mars

Mars offers much to discover. From canyons and extinct volcanoes to its changing seasons and weather patterns – including large dust storms – its terrain reveals much. Planet Mercury is the second smallest planet in our solar system and its red hue comes from iron oxide deposits on its surface, giving it a rusty hue.

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5 Cool Facts About China

China is one of the world’s most captivating and beguiling nations, from its ancient history and magnificent sites to its breathtaking culture – it offers so much for adventurers to discover in this incredible land. Here are 20 amazing facts about China that may surprise you! From being the world’s most populous nation to making

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