Spacecraft Components and Systems

Spacecraft are designed to transport payloads to specific locations within our solar system. Launched on rockets, once separated from them they utilize their own propulsion and navigation systems to continue on their path towards their destinations. Spacecraft primary structures consist of instrument plates (reinforced carbon honeycomb composite facesheet panels) connected by cylindrical supports for spreading…

Spacecraft Components

Spacecraft must be lightweight yet robust enough to navigate both through atmospheric layers and space without losing speed or efficiency. Their components must also withstand both very high and very low temperatures while fuel tanks must contain liquids with extreme pressures such as cryogenic liquids. Aluminum and titanium are two of the primary metals utilized…

Spacecraft Components

Spacecraft are subjected to rigorous conditions during launch, operation in hostile space environments, and long-term radiation risks during deep space missions. A spacecraft’s components must include power systems capable of turning sunlight into electricity as well as thermal control subsystems to protect equipment against extreme temperature changes. Propulsion subsystem consists of engines and devices which…