Fact About Honey Bees

Honey bees produce the food we all know and love: honey! Packed full of essential vitamins, minerals and enzymes, honey serves as an all-natural preservative when stored properly in its comb – never going bad! Bees possess five eyes: two large compound eyes and three smaller ocelli eyes in their center of their head. Furthermore,…

Interesting Facts About Honey Bees

Bees have an extraordinary and fascinating history, from their construction of hives to producing mead, this eusocial insect has had a tremendous influence on human society. Bee hives are bustling cities of activity. Workers perform various duties within their hive including maintaining its temperature, collecting food and pollinating plants as well as protecting and defending…

Fun Facts of Honey Bees

Apis mellifera) honeybees are fascinating creatures. From scientific studies to historical pieces of information, here are some fun facts about our buzzing friends! Bees must fly more than 55,000 miles just to produce one pound of honey; that is equivalent to flying around the world twice! Bees possess 170 odorant receptors and possess a sense…

Fun Facts on Honey Bees

Honeybees are social insects, living in complex societies with divisions of labor and generations living together harmoniously. A Queen Bee can lay up to 2,500 eggs every day and her “attendants” collect nectar throughout the day for feed her hive. In order to produce one pound of honey, 2 million flowers must be visited daily….

Bees Are Amazing

Articles can be an excellent way to foster engagement with your audience and drive traffic back to your website. From pest control companies to hotel chains, anyone can use articles to reach their audience on a more intimate level. With the Save the Bees movement underway, now is an opportune time to gain more knowledge…

10 Characteristics of Bees

Bees play an integral part in maintaining food security and biodiversity while being an exquisite form of beauty. Bees possess long tongues for nectar collection, jaws specialized for pollen and wax production, and barbed stingers to defend the hive. Bees find colorful blooms to pollinate before carrying pollen home on their legs. 1. They are…