
Spacecraft Explosion – A Harrowing Experience For Astronauts and Dangerous to Satellites

An explosion on board a spaceship can be terrifying for astronauts and potentially hazardous to satellites nearby. America watched in horror in January 1986 as the space shuttle Challenger exploded during liftoff, killing seven astronauts including Christa McAuliffe of NASA’s Teacher in Space program. A suitcase-sized piece of insulating foam fell from an external tank […]

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Orion – The Spacecraft That Will Carry Astronauts to the Moon and Mars

Orion is the spacecraft designed to transport astronauts between Earth, the International Space Station, lunar orbit and Mars. It was specifically developed with safety, durability and affordability in mind. Orion will launch on top of a Space Launch System rocket and feature an escape tower to protect astronauts during reentry. When Orion returns to Earth,

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Spacecraft Images Help Us Understand the World Around Us

Of course, viewing beautiful views from space can give us a sense of scale; but they also help us gain greater insight into our planet – particularly images depicting Earth. Images captured from space station cameras or telescopes pointed towards Jupiter are truly spectacular. Space Station The International Space Station is a unique scientific laboratory

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