Interesting Facts About Russia

Russia may frequently make headlines for various reasons, yet this country offers much more than meets the eye. From its subtropical climate to its famed writers, there is much to discover about this amazing nation.

Russians are great hosts and love entertaining guests. Their sense of humor runs deep – one popular form includes short fictional stories with humorous punchlines.

1. It is a country of churches

Church is one of the hallmarks of Russian life. It transcends time, across boundaries, defies human control, and thrives regardless of persecution – an incredible phenomenon you should not miss when visiting Russia!

Russia boasts a variety of churches, such as Moscow Kremlin Cathedral which serves as the main cathedral for Russian Orthodox Christianity and can accommodate over 10000 worshipers. Constructed between 1839-1883.

Russia boasts an abundant literary culture. Renowned authors such as Pushkin and Leo Tolstoy hail from this nation; their works have been celebrated all around the globe. Additionally, this country is well-known for its ballet; although ballet originated in France and Italy, its modern form was refined and revitalized in Russia.

2. It is a country of volcanoes

Russia spans across both Europe and Asia. This unique location boasts diverse landscapes, wildlife and cultures; such as polar bears hunting in Wrangel Island in the Arctic Circle or Siberian Tigers lurking within forests – there’s never any shortage of adventure in Russia.

The Kamchatka Peninsula features the world’s highest concentration of active volcanoes, and volcanicologists regularly witness minor explosions, fumaroles and hot avalanches at one or more of its 29 volcanoes.

Yuri Gagarin may be best known as being the first human to travel into space, but did you know he wasn’t actually an astronaut? A cosmonaut is trained by the Russian Space Agency while an astronaut must go through more rigorous training. This distinction is key; as it allows cosmonauts to fly into space without as rigorous of preparations as they would need for astronauts.

3. It is a country of forests

Nearly 60% of Russia is covered with natural forests, providing one of the world’s biggest stores of carbon. Furthermore, these forests serve to protect wildlife in Russia while offering wood products to humans as well as providing homes to endangered Siberian Tigers.

Russian forest policy promotes sustainable forest management practices and actively participates in international negotiations on environmental protection and global forest policies. Furthermore, financial support is offered for forest conservation and development programs.

Russian regions typically experience subtropical climates, making them ideal for growing trees and other plants that attract tourists from all over the world. Its lush landscape makes Russia a wonderful tourist destination with rich cultural traditions and lots of fascinating facts waiting to be discovered by visitors.

4. It is a country of cats

One of the more intriguing facts about Russia is its love affair with cats. At Saint Petersburg’s Hermitage Museum alone, over 50 felines provide protection from rats for its artworks – these adorable felines even receive personal passports and are paid a salary by the museum!

Russians may be known for being gruff, but they also boast some of the warmest hospitality around. They will frequently welcome guests without even being asked, always being willing to offer assistance when necessary.

Russia boasts one of the world’s largest salt lakes, used for fishing and caviar production for various countries. Furthermore, Russia is home to helicopter golf – an unusual sport where participants guide a ball using a helicopter along a snow route.

5. It is a country of dogs

One of the fascinating facts about Russia is its abundance of dogs; even sled dog racing events take place here! Many Russians also own dogs as pets.

Russia boasts an outstanding literary tradition and has produced some of the world’s top authors such as Pushkin (who wrote some of the world’s most romantic poetry), Leo Tolstoy (War and Peace author) and others.

Russia is an ideal travel destination for nature enthusiasts, being both Europe’s largest country and boasting one sixth of global fresh water supplies. Home to over 2000 species of animals and plants – some rare ones too! Additionally, its deepest lake (Lake Baikal) provides visitors with breathtaking scenery; not forgetting over six billion trees which makes Russia unique worldwide!

6. It is a country of monuments of Lenin

One of the many striking characteristics of Russia is that there are countless monuments honoring Lenin. He served as leader of the Soviet Union at that time and thus his presence can be found all throughout.

At one point, every city and town in Russia featured statues of Lenin. Unfortunately, most were removed during or shortly after 1990 or were replaced with globes instead.

If you are visiting Russia, it is essential that you remember its people are very hospitable. They will gladly assist if needed and have an endearing sense of humor; often making fun of events happening around them and using short fictional stories and dialogues as ways of conveying this sentiment.

7. It is a country of lakes

As part of your visit to Russia, don’t forget to visit its lakes. Many are truly spectacular – Lake Baikal being the world’s deepest lake is famous for its legendary stories involving drowning a defeated dragon alongside Alexander the Great’s army. Also stunning is Lake Ladoga near St Petersburg which takes its name from Tuvan for “princes noyons,” earning the lake the nickname of “Prince Lake”.

Pavel Gerasimov of Moscow boasts an incredible collection of over 1,103 squirrel figurines. He says he collects these adorable critters to honor their memory – something his collection dates back generations and boasts various sizes of squirrels including one huge specimen! His impressive squirrel collection can be found throughout Moscow.

8. It is a country of tea

Russians enjoy drinking tea daily and can often down up to ten cups each day! Tea can help them stay warm during harsh winters while being used as a means for relaxation and contemplation.

Tea was first brought into Russia during the 16th century by a Chinese ambassador who presented it to Tsar Michael Fedorovich. Due to being used to drinking warm fruit- and herb-infused beverages, his court found this new beverage slightly bitter at first.

Russians still take great pleasure in enjoying tea with large pots and plenty of sugar, using samovars instead of electric kettles for their tea brewing needs. A typical Russian tea includes two or three types of different tea varieties brewed separately in their own pots before being served alongside sweets as part of traditional Russian tradition. Russians living abroad miss these traditions while enjoying peaceful time spent sipping on tea together.

9. It is a country of stray dogs

After stray dogs mauled a boy to death in Russia, authorities have begun looking at ways of culling these animals. Former Yakutsk mayor Sardana Avksentyeva proposed legislation granting regional governments permission to put down unclaimed stray dogs; animal rights activists strongly oppose this measure.

Moscow streets are home to over 35,000 stray dogs that have learned that survival means going where people are; roaming amongst busy office buildings or restaurants looking for food scraps from offices or restaurants is their best strategy for survival.

Some of Russia’s most beloved strays have become well-known around the world for their ability to navigate its complicated subway system, while others have won many hearts by being photographed wearing vibrantly-colored fur coats.

10. It is a country of museums

Russians love beer, but not in the way you might expect. On average, each year Russians consume 18 liters of alcohol. Before 2011, beer wasn’t even considered an alcoholic drink!

One of Russia’s most appealing features is its abundance of museums. One such institution, founded by Catherine the Great in the eighteenth century and named Hermitage Museum is one of the world’s premier exhibitoria.

Lenin Mausoleum in Red Square is another fascinating museum, while there are also museums dedicated to folk dancing and ice skating, squirrel figurines (including one golden squirrel!), and folk dancing and skating lessons available throughout Russia. You can even visit one of Moscow native’s collections of 1103 different squirrels!

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