How Often Do the Moon’s Phases Repeat Theirself?
During its orbit of Earth, the Moon goes through different appearance phases. These phases are caused by the motion of the moon with respect to the sun.
The phases complete a cycle once every 29.5 days, or about once per month. This cycle includes eight distinct phases.
New Moon
The Moon is in orbit around Earth, and as it moves through the phases of its lunar cycle, the visible area of the moon changes. At new moon, the entire moon is a shadow; at full moon the illuminated side of the Moon is completely visible.
There are four primary phases and two intermediate ones. These are the New Moon, First Quarter Moon, Full Moon and Last Quarter Moon.
First Quarter Moon
The Moon goes through four major phases in a cycle that repeats itself every 29.5 days. During each phase the illuminated part of the Moon’s surface changes.
The first quarter moon is also called the “half” moon because 50% of its surface is illuminated by the Sun.
The first quarter moon is a time of determination and focus. This is in the “yang” phase of the Moon’s development, and it shows that it’s possible to move forward regardless of your doubts or fears.
Full Moon
As the Moon orbits Earth, it changes its shape and glows different colors. It goes through 8 major phases, which repeat themselves about every 29.5 days.
The Moon and the sun are perfectly aligned about once a month to create an eclipse. But most of the time, the Moon isn’t fully illuminated — only when it’s in Earth’s shadow does a full moon phase occur.
Aside from being a natural phenomenon, the Moon is also believed to have a powerful impact on human behavior. Mindfully synchronizing with its phases can be an effective self-care and spiritual tool.
Waxing Crescent
The waxing crescent moon’s phases repeat themselves in a cycle of about 29.5 days. This is the time it takes for the Moon to travel once around Earth and return to the same position with respect to the Sun.
The first phase is the New Moon, where a sliver of the Moon’s surface is illuminated. This is the right side for observers in the Northern Hemisphere, and the left side for those in the Southern. Then it is the First Quarter, where 50% of the Moon’s face is illuminated.
Waxing Gibbous
The Moon has phases because it orbits our planet, causing some portion of its surface to be illuminated by the Sun and then changes shape. You can see these phases by observing when the Moon rises and sets.
A thin sliver of the Moon’s disc is illuminated at new Moon and gradually grows bigger as it moves through the waxing crescent phase, first quarter, and full Moon. Then it repeats itself in reverse.
Waning Crescent
When the Moon orbits our planet, a portion of its surface becomes illuminated by the sun and changes in shape. It later reverts to a dimmer phase until the next time it appears.
The waxing crescent is the first step toward a full moon. It is the most visible part of the moon, shining before sunrise.
The New Moon, First Quarter, Full Moon, and Last Quarter phases occur on average, about 7.4 days apart. But intermediate phases like the Waning Crescent Moon, take up about 21.6% of the lunar cycle, so they may last a little longer than the primary phases.
Last Quarter Moon
The moon’s phases repeat themselves about once every month, which is a normal cycle that occurs as the moon revolves around Earth. During this cycle, we see half of the moon’s illuminated side – the “day” side.
We call the half that we can see from Earth during this phase the “last quarter.” It’s a relatively neglected moon phase, but it holds many spiritual significances. We can use it in meditation to reflect on our lives, especially where we are going and why.