
What Will the Moon Phase Be Tomorrow? – find more about this

The moon changes its appearance each month based on its position in relation to the Sun and Earth. Throughout the cycle the Moon goes from being a complete shadow to fully illuminated. This is called a phase. Today the Moon is in a Waning Crescent phase. This phase is best viewed just before sunrise in…

The Benefits of Space Exploration

Space exploration has long captivated the human imagination, and it continues to do so today. In fact, it’s a driving force behind many technological advances and medical breakthroughs that are here on Earth. Governments have been responsible for a wide range of space programs, from increasing knowledge to enhancing national security and military strength. These…

The Planet Suite by Gustav Holst – find more about this

The Planets is a suite of orchestral pieces by Gustav Holst, composed between 1914 and 1917. Each of the seven movements reflects the idea or character associated with a particular planet in the Solar System. The first movement is Mars which represents the bringer of war and features a brutal triad theme with brass and…