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Weather Satellites (Bahamas)

Weather satellites take a picture of the entire world every 5 to 15 minutes. The pictures are animated so you can see changes in cloud cover and wind speeds as they happen. Hurricane Dorian hit the Bahamas on Sunday and left behind devastation that lasted for days. That’s why satellite images, especially synthetic aperture radar…

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How Do Weather Satellites Work? – find more about this –

Weather satellites are instruments that monitor the Earth’s weather. They also relay information such as telecommunications signals, help in navigation and measure changes on the Earth’s surface. There are two basic types of weather satellites. The first is a geostationary satellite that remains in the same position relative to the Earth at all times. They…


Satellite Weather Vadodara

Environmental satellites, also known as weather satellites, are constantly orbiting the Earth. They make atmospheric observations that are ingested into numerical weather prediction (NWP) computer models. They are crucial for making accurate weather forecasts that protect life and property. They also allow meteorologists to monitor storms around the world, identify volcanic ash and smoke from…


What Will the Moon Phase Be Tonight? – find more about this

The moon phase for tonight will be a Waning Gibbous. This is the first phase following a Full Moon where the illumination of the moon decreases each day until it reaches 50% (the Last Quarter phase). The moon will rise after sunset in the east, transit the meridian after midnight, and set after sunrise in…

What is Star Naming?

What is Star Naming? Star naming is an excellent way to show someone you care about or yourself. You can name your star after your favorite pet, TV character, movie character or even a deceased loved one – the possibilities are endless! Star names are an integral part of astronomy and culture, so it’s essential…