Weather Satellites Monitor the East Coast of the United States
Weather satellites monitor changes in the climate on a daily basis. They detect rain, cloud cover, snow, ice, sea state, ocean color, air pollution, city lights, and fires. They help monitor the effects of El Nino, the Antarctic ozone hole, and many other events on Earth’s surface. They are used to map the boundary of ocean currents, energy flows, and other aspects of the Earth’s environment.
Weather Alerts
Weather alerts can be a helpful tool to keep track of severe weather and weather conditions. Whether you want to stay ahead of snowstorms in the mountains or severe rain in your area, AccuWeather has the storm alerts you need. Become a member of our free Weather App to receive text and e-mail updates on your phone whenever significant weather hits. We also offer in-depth weather news and forecasts, as well as snowfall warnings and more! Sign up today to get the best, most trusted weather forecasts. We’re the only weather alert service you can count on. Click here to learn more!
Weather Warnings
Weather satellites are a valuable tool for tracking changes in the Earth’s atmosphere, including the movement of storms and other atmospheric events. They are also used to monitor changes in the sea state, ocean color, and ice fields. These images are made by observing the earth from geostationary and polar orbiting satellites. The United States operates GOES and METEOSAT satellites, while other countries operate environmental satellites that are capable of monitoring the Earth’s climate. These images are based on infrared imagery. Each image includes one of two dBZ (Doppler radiance) scales. The scales show the reflectivity of the radar when it’s in clear air mode and when it’s in precipitation mode. The dBZ values are determined by the strength of the signal that’s returned to the radar.
Weather Conditions
The east coast of the United States has many distinct weather patterns. This is due to its location along the Atlantic Ocean. This makes it susceptible to high seas and windy conditions, particularly in the summer months. Temperatures vary considerably, with winters bringing snow and cold temperatures while springs bring milder temperatures. Humidity levels are higher and rain is frequent. This region also gets a lot of precipitation in the form of hurricanes and tornadoes. This is no surprise when you consider the number of large, damaging storms that hit the area annually. The best way to stay informed is by checking out this satellite weather east coast page.