The Spacecraft of the First World War

No nation had successfully sent a human into space until 12 April 1961, when Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin made one orbit aboard Vostok 1. Gagarin’s flight triggered the Space Race between Russia and America and marked humanity’s venture into outer space. Prior to World War II, Germany experimented with various military space programs involving human…

A Spacecraft Sent to Pluto Reveals a Heart-Shaped World

In 1991, the United States Postal Service released a set of stamps depicting each planet and noting which spacecraft had explored it. Pluto’s stamp featured an artist’s rendition of an uninhabitable planet with no features and the words: “NOT YET EXPLLORED.” New Horizons successfully reached Pluto and discovered that its moons Charon, Nix, Hydra and…

New Horizons Spacecraft Reaches Pluto For First Close-Up Images of the Distant World

Stern and his team struggled for years to launch their mission, facing an intense race against time: only four years were available for designing, launching and reaching Jupiter for gravity assistance. New Horizons would likely make its first encounter with Pluto and Charon during its trek through the Kuiper Belt – an outer region of…

A New Generation of Spacecraft on Mars is Opening a World of Exploration and Discovery

Mars is home to an exciting new breed of spacecraft designed to facilitate scientific study and discovery, and one day send humans there. These spacecraft offer unprecedented access for scientific analysis. The Lander is designed in the shape of a tetrahedron with sides that open like petals, housing cameras, weather stations and a six-wheeled rover…