Fun Facts About a Tiger

Tigers may look like large orange pajamas, but they are actually powerful and dangerous predators. Tigers can hunt at night and patrol their territory; furthermore, their keen sense of smell allows them to use pee as an effective territorial marker. They tend to be less tolerant of heat than other big cats and will frequently…

Tiger Fun Facts

Tigers possess antiseptic saliva which they can use to clean wounds. Additionally, they may lick themselves frequently in order to eliminate any unpleasant odors. They roar to establish their territories over large distances and establish boundaries, as well as imitating other animal sounds to attract prey closer. Tiger stripes are unique to each individual tiger…

Tiger Cool Facts That Will Make You Want to Protect These Amazing Creatures

Tigers are fascinating creatures with many fascinating facts that will inspire you to protect them. Did you know, for instance, that their cubs are born blind and must rely on their mother’s scent in order to survive? Bears feature fake eyes designed to frighten off other animals. Furthermore, even one strike from their paws could…

Funny Tiger Facts

Tigers are powerful wild animals, capable of weighing over 1000 lbs and being capable of killing prey with one stroke. Their tongue has bristles which enable them to scoop more water while drinking. One of the most amazing tiger facts is their unique stripes – like human fingerprints, they can even be spotted when their…

Fun Fact About Tiger Senses

Tigers are powerful wild cats that captivate people worldwide. While these magnificent predators may be one of the world’s most formidable animals, they’re also extremely mysterious and captivating creatures. Tigers are fascinating animals with many interesting facts ranging from antiseptic saliva and false eyes on the backs of their ears to having antimicrobial properties and…

Fun Facts About the Tiger

Tigers are captivating animals that captivate human imagination. Their size, strength, and beauty have long been revered; yet there may be some interesting facts you didn’t know about! Tigers differ from domestic cats in that they do not purr. Instead, they communicate through scent markings, urine markings and facial expressions; their roar serves to mark…