How Many Planet Earths Could Fit Inside the Sun?

The Sun’s gravity holds together our Solar System, keeping planets, asteroids, meteoroids, as well as microscopic debris in orbit around it. At its core lies nuclear fusion processes which turn hydrogen into helium; all this heat makes up our star. This video from BBC Planet Earth series, hosted by David Attenborough. Volume Comparing planet sizes…

Aerojet Rocketdyne Is One of Many Companies Working on NASA’s Orion Spacecraft

Orion was designed to send humans on missions further than ever before, flying from Kennedy Space Center in Florida atop NASA’s Space Launch System rocket. Aerojet Rocketdyne developed its Launch Abort System jettison motor, designed to separate crew capsule from service module during an emergency launch or ascent and land under parachutes. Aerojet Rocketdyne Aerojet…

How Many Apollo Missions Were Cancelled

After Apollo 13’s failure, congressional interest in NASA’s lunar program declined significantly and led to cancellation of Apollo 18 and 19. Even after these cancellations, several other planned missions remained. These included the H and J missions. While H missions would have involved short duration stays on the moon with only two LEVAs (moonwalks), J…

How Many Apollo Missions Have Landed on the Moon?

We currently possess 8,400 publicly available photos of the Moon, hundreds of hours of video footage, and mountains of scientific data pertaining to its formation and structure – plus 382 kilograms of Moon rock! On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin from Apollo 11 became humanity’s first steps on another world. Six…