Weird Insect Facts You Didn’t Know

The insect class encompasses an extremely diverse group. They all share some similarities: compound eyes, three pairs of legs and an exoskeleton to protect them. Cockroaches can live without heads, while flies have sound-sensitive membranes on their feet, while Double Drummer Cicadas have the unique ability to predict temperatures by counting their chirps per minute…

Everything You Need to Know About Butterflies Life Cycle

Butterflies are one of the favorite insects among children, as they’re easy to raise, have an intriguing life cycle and provide endless entertainment in nature. At the outset of their life cycle, butterfly females lay eggs on leaves which are then fertilized by male sperm and become part of the monarch butterfly life cycle. The…

Interesting Facts About Greece That Most People Do Not Know

Most people know Greece as the birthplace of Western Civilization and democracy; however, few know of other interesting facts about Greece that most don’t know about. One of the most striking facts about Greece is that 80 percent of it consists of mountains. One such mountain range, the Pindus Range, contains one of the deepest…

Ocean Trivia – Facts About the Ocean That You Should Know

Know about some amazing facts about our planet’s ocean? They include its climate-regulating abilities, being home to 90% of world biodiversity, and representing 80% of global trade! Just some of the many amazing ocean facts you should keep in mind! What is the name of that whale with teeth that have an unpronounceable name? It’s…