3 Interesting Facts About China You Might Not Have Knew

From its largest population to the invention of paper, China boasts many fascinating facts that might surprise you! Here we explore three such facts you may not have known previously! Did you know, for instance, that the Great Wall is not actually one single wall but is instead made up of many interconnecting structures put…

Spacecraft That Have Landed on Mars

Spacecraft are vehicles capable of traversing space to other planets or satellites, as well as for other uses, such as communications. NASA’s Perseverance lander will attempt a landing at Elysium Planitia on Mars’ most challenging region: Elysium Planitia features sand dunes, steep cliffs and boulders – an intimidating destination. 1. Viking 1 NASA scientists in…

Fun Facts About Rabbits You May Not Have Known

Rabbits make delightful pets. With longer lifespans than dogs and cats, rabbits bond quickly with their humans, learning to recognize their voice quickly. Wild rabbits live communal lives within warrens – a series of tunnels resembling hotels. Crepuscular animals such as bats are most active during dawn and dusk hours, according to Cypress, TX veterinarian…

Interesting Facts About Japan You Might Not Have Knew

Japan may be best-known for its cutting-edge technologies and bustling metropolises, but this island nation also boasts a rich culture unique to itself. From food to traditions, here are some interesting facts about Japan that you may have never known! Filling your friends’ drinks is considered polite in Japan as it symbolizes your care for…

Why Do Ants Have Wings?

At home, some homeowners have reported seeing winged ants during rainy seasons. These winged ants, known as alates or swarmers, can be identified by their elbowed antennae and thin waists with constrictions at their thorax region. Queen ants participate in nuptial flights to mate and establish new colonies, after which the queen loses her wings…

Does Mars Planet Have Water?

Scientists have long searched Mars for signs of liquid water, including signs like mysterious dark streaks on its surface and signs like hydrated minerals that indicate their existence. According to this new study, between 30-99% of Earth’s original water has become trapped within special rocks known as hydrous minerals; any remaining amounts either escaped into…