Fun Facts About Meteorology

Record-setting weather events can sometimes feel like a repetitive drumbeat, yet there are always sharp moments like cymbal crashes which serve to bring us back into focus. Meteorology is an interdisciplinary field that studies Earth’s atmosphere and its natural phenomena – from fog to hurricanes! Here are 33 fascinating facts about meteorology that will astonish…

10 Fun Facts About Bunnies

Rabbits are fascinating animals with unique features and personalities, making them ideal pets for both kids and adults alike. At Fairfield Animal Hospital in Cypress, TX we’re sharing ten fun facts about rabbits! This month. 1. Bunnies “purr” when they’re content and happy, similar to how cats purr. This sound comes from their teeth chattering…

Fun Honey Bee Facts

Honey bees possess five eyes: two large compound eyes and three smaller ocelli (eyes at the center of their heads). Furthermore, they possess jointed legs. A worker bee identifies food sources by dancing. This dance indicates their direction and proximity for other bees within its hive. 1. They have five eyes Honey bees might seem…

Fun Facts About Russia

Russia may be best-known for its freezing winters, vodka and nesting dolls but this country offers so much more. Spanning Eastern Europe to Northern Asia, Russia is an intercontinental powerhouse and boasts an illustrious past. Russia is full of surprises; from its rugged landscapes to bustling metropolises. Here are a few lesser-known facts about this…