Where Do Ladybugs Live?

As with many insects, ladybugs undergo a complex metamorphosis with distinct egg, larval, pupal and adult stages. During wintertime they gather in large groups for diapause (the insect equivalent of hibernation). They tend to seek shelter under leaves and crevices of tree bark or in homes and other structures where they remain warm and safe…

Common Bird Names For a Group of Birds

Flocks of birds are typically known as flocks; however, some species even have specific collective bird names! Flocks led by such species tend to fly differently, following metric rules rather than topological ones – an effect which can be observed at your backyard birdfeeder when several different species flit around together. Murmuration Murmurations is an…

Life Cycles in Plants

Plants have the capacity to reproduce both sexually and asexually, known as alternation of generations. Seeds are the building blocks of all plants. Once these seeds find soil rich in oxygen and moisture levels as well as an ideal temperature environment, their outer coating releases and they begin growing, which is known as germination. Gametophytes…

Fun Games For a Cat

No matter your gaming preference – action-adventure, sandbox, or RPG’s – felines-themed video games abound. Start the ball rolling by waving a mouse in front of your cat to capture their interest, then encouraging them to chase or pounce on it. Additionally, drag slowly across the floor mimicking prey movements. Laser Tag Laser Tag is…