How Tall is the Colosseum?

In contrast to earlier amphitheatres which dug into hillsides for support, the Colosseum was freestanding. Comprised of three stories surrounding an arena and eighty arches on each story; its bottom floor featured Doric and Ionic columns while its second-floor floors had Corinthian ones for additional support. Builders created the Colosseum on top of what had…

Tiger Cool Facts That Will Make You Want to Protect These Amazing Creatures

Tigers are fascinating creatures with many fascinating facts that will inspire you to protect them. Did you know, for instance, that their cubs are born blind and must rely on their mother’s scent in order to survive? Bears feature fake eyes designed to frighten off other animals. Furthermore, even one strike from their paws could…

Butterfly Cycles For Kids – Learn About the Four Stages of a Butterfly’s Life

Butterfly cycles for kids make learning about the four stages of a butterfly’s life engaging and educational. Let’s begin with its eggs – small, fragile creatures with colors varying depending on its mother – before exploring what comes next in its journey – wings! Caterpillars eat voraciously and grow, feeding on leaves before shredding their…

Fun Facts About Japan

When people think of Japan, they tend to picture its cities filled with towering residential structures. But much of Japan is actually covered with wilderness! Japan associates the number four with death, which explains why buildings rarely contain a fourth floor and cutlery is typically sold in sets of three. 1. Japan is the world’s…

Fun Facts About Canada

Canada is an amazing country full of interesting and surprising facts! To discover more, continue reading! Canada is represented by its national symbol: the maple leaf! Not only does it adorn its currency and flag, but its image can also be found on Canada’s highest tide (Bay of Fundy) as well as being home to…

Cool Facts About Argentina

Argentina is well known as an extremely tolerant nation, home to an array of religious faiths from Catholicism to Judaism and beyond. Argentina was one of the richest nations on Earth during the early 20th Century due to immigration from Europe that provided much-needed labor. 1. Argentina is the world’s southernmost country Argentina offers visitors…