
How Many Solar Systems Are There in Space?

The Sun, the eight planets and their moons, and countless asteroids, comets, and other small, icy objects comprise our Solar System. The Solar System formed 4.5 billion years ago from leftover materials from the collapse of a cloud of interstellar material. The four inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, were rocky, but the outer…

What Is Evolution and How Does It Affect Cyborgs?

Evolution is the process by which populations of different organisms (species) develop and adapt to their environments. Evolution occurs naturally through the action of natural selection, which rewards certain advantageous traits and punishes others through better or worse survival or reproduction. 1. Humans will become cyborgs Cyborgs are people who have a bionic or mechanical…

What Is Knowledge?

Knowledge is the mental state of having a belief about something. It is distinct from opinion and guesswork, because it must be based on a factual belief that is justified by a reason. There are a number of different theories about what knowledge is and how it comes about. This article will discuss some of…


The Solar System Through Space Gif – find more about this

Animated gifs are a great way to show off a variety of subjects. Space is no exception. In a recent Twitter animation, planetary scientist James O’Donoghue from the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) shows us how Earth, our solar system and the galaxy are moving through space at different speeds. The Sun The Sun is…

Spaceflight Simulator

Spaceflight Simulator is a fun simulation game to build your own rockets and send them to outer space. Developed by Stefo Mai Morojna, this game has real-life physics to let you participate in fascinating space exploration. The Sun, known as Sol in Spaceflight Simulator, is the star that Earth and all of the planets orbit….


Types of Solar Systems in Space – find more about this

Our Solar System is a collection of planets, moons and dwarf planets that orbit the Sun. The planets range in size from the rocky Earth to the gaseous Jupiter. The Solar System also contains a large number of comets, asteroids and other small objects that fall into the system from outer space. Many of these…