Mars Planet View

Mars, the Red Planet, is a fascinating object in the night sky. It is one of the brightest objects in the sky and is easily spotted with the naked eye, a telescope or binoculars. Mars orbits the Sun in an elliptical path, completing one orbit every 687 days. The planet goes into opposition, when it…

Does Mars Have Water?

Does Mars Have Water? Mars may look like a cold and arid planet from the surface, but it’s home to an amazing world of rivers, lakes and oceans. These awe-inspiring features have given scientists a lot of data about the planet’s past. A new study suggests that up to 99 percent of the water that…

Mars the Planet Apartments in Hosakerehalli, Bangalore

If you’re looking for a home that blends luxury, comfort and peace of mind, look no further than mars the planet apartments in Hosakerehalli, Bangalore. It’s a beautiful residential project spread over 2.28 acres with 176 units. Architects produced designs for three distinct dwellings – an apartment aimed at young professionals, a family home and…

What Are the Similarities and Differences Between the Planets?

Venus is a rocky planet with an extremely dense atmosphere that heats up as a result of a “runaway” greenhouse effect. This explains why Venus’s surface temperature is so much higher than Earth’s. Mars is a planet with an extremely thin atmosphere that does not warm up as much. This explains why Mars’s average surface…

Mars Planet Drawing Easy

Mars is a planet in our solar system, and it’s the closest of the eight known planets to Earth. It’s also called the red planet because of its rust-colored soil, called regolith. Scientists discovered that a plume of hot material is enveloping the Martian interior. It’s called a mantle plume, and it could have implications…