Cassini, Huygens, and Dragonfly Explore Saturn

Cassini performed 20 ring-grazing orbits that brought it within 1000 kilometers of Saturn’s outermost edge, offering incredible close encounters. On one of those orbits, a tiny storm ballooned into an enormous, billowing mass of cloud and gas. This Great White Storm verified long-held theories regarding water-ice geysers on Enceladus, a moon believed to contain a…

Explore the Apollo 11 Command Module in 3D

Smithsonian X 3D will commemorate the 47th anniversary of Apollo 11 by making publicly available a high-resolution, 3-D scan of Columbia command module’s interior for visitors to view for themselves – for the first time, visitors can now peer inside this capsule that carried Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins into space. Spacecraft In 1969, humankind completed…